Prescriptions and Refills
Modern medicines are a blessing for many but can carry significant risk if used without proper oversight and management. For chronic, ongoing medication we will provide refills sufficient for the longest safe period of time. For some medications this may be a year for others only a month. We will try to keep your refills in sync so that you can refill them all at the same time. We will also help you make decisions regarding cost effectiveness of your medications.
The most efficient way to obtain a refill for an ongoing medication is to call the pharmacy with the request. The pharmacy communicates with us electronically and we review and approve your refills. If you start with a call to us instead of the pharmacy, the process takes significantly longer. Refills requests will be acted upon within 4 hours of receipt by our office.
Requests for new medications usually require a telehealth or office visit. You can reach us at (510) 230-2372 or email at to set up an appointment.
Labs and Tests
At Temescal Creek Medicine we believe that you deserve timely communication regarding lab and test results. You will receive prompt communication from us when we receive results, usually within 5 business days of the testing. We get results out as soon as we receive them, so please resist calling the office for results earlier as we likely do not have them yet. If you have not heard about the test results after 7 business days please call our office to investigate.
Our preferred labs are Labcorp or Quest. Laboratory hours and locations can be found on the lab websites.